Virtual Talks, Workshops & Online Courses

Engaging creative thinking sessions to address your challenges, manage change and uncertainty, influence perceptions and inspire action

Unleash the creative thinking power of your team…virtually.


The virtual stage is the perfect environment to engage your audience.

Put creative thinking practices to the test. Solve problems and seize opportunities. Challenge conventional wisdom. Brainstorm. Ideate. Evaluate. Execute.

I have a series of thought-provoking talks, virtual workshops and online courses with practical tools and exercises to help your team.

Check them out below.

What People Are Saying

“Peter is The Sage on the Virtual Stage”

Martin Shen, CEO of FingerMotion Inc.

“Peter’s talk really made us think creatively. Now he runs virtual strategy meetings for us with breakout groups to brainstorm and solve problems - all online and with real-time data capture - I don’t know why we didn’t do it this way before.”

John Markulin, BMZ Structural Engineers

Creative Workshops & Online Courses

Inspire creativity, innovation, problem-solving and team-working with one of our specially-designed virtual creative workshops or courses.


Creative Thinking

Why this Workshop?

Creative thinking is the ultimate human advantage – it’s how we use brainpower to think differently, create or innovate new from old, solve complex problems, challenge the status quo, deliver continuous improvement and develop ideas to deal with change and uncertainty. It is an essential business tool without which advancement is impossible.

BUT…too often our educational systems, our business structures, our social and political cultures stifle creativity. Have you ever experienced rote learning? or boring, repetitive tasks? a don’t-rock-the-boat or make waves culture? Or double-guessing to please bosses or clients? Or an environment where only narrow-focused thinking is encouraged in ‘locked boxes’?

ALSO…many people think they’re not creative because they don’t paint or write or act or sing…when, in fact, they are just not accessing the creative thinking capabilities they have to unleash the power of creativity in their world.

 Who this workshop is for

Everybody who values the power of creative thinking and that wishes to improve their creative thinking capability. It’s of tremendous value for those in creative industries to remind, reconfirm and enhance their skills. It’s of even greater value to those industries where creativity is being stifled and where simple creative thinking practices can deliver transformational change.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand creativity and its application to your business

  • Build confidence and ability to think creatively

  • Recognize and overcome obstacles to creativity

  • Provide creative tools to help address everyday business challenges

  • Practical application of these tools to solve your business problems


  • Understanding creativity

  • All about ideas

  • Understanding how creative people work

  • A selection of tried and tested creative thinking tools

  • Practice sessions and live cases

Timing and Logistics


i) A two-day workshop held over two dedicated days

ii) Three or four sequential morning/afternoon sessions held over 2-4 weeks

iii) 60-90 minute ‘chunks’ to fit within participants work schedules

Ideally 8-12 participants, workable 6-16.

Theme – Rebel Spaceship

 Transformational change through creative thinking typically occurs not through large, structured leadership committees at the centre of organizations, but by individuals, or outliers at the periphery. Typically, these are small teams, with diverse backgrounds, skills and talents, bound together by shared values and beliefs – and evangelical alignment to a cause or mission. They may not conform to the rules – indeed, they actively seek to free themselves from the gravitational pull of the ‘mother spaceship’ and may even be seen to be outcasts or rebels. Think Hans Sol and the crew of the Millennium Falcon.


Creative Strategy &


Why this Workshop?

Everyone talks about strategy and brands…. strategic thinking, strategic planning, branding and rebranding….but the reality is many organizations find it difficult to articulate their strategy or clearly communicate their brand positioning. Complexity, change and uncertainty are often seen as threats more than opportunity.

ALSO…clients want the simplicity that strategic tools can provide…and everyone wants to sell you their business model as the solution…but the ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach rarely works when every situation and challenge is different.

Who this workshop is for

Decision-makers and influencers within your organization; C-Officers, Managers, thought-leaders and influencers.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the importance of creative strategic thinking to business decision-making

  • Understand what a brand is and principles of building strong brands

  • Provide a proven, effective stepwise process

  • Share a practical strategic framework for strategic development

  • Practical application and actionable next steps


  • What makes great brands great and why it’s important

  • Why it’s important to know who you are, what you stand for and why

  • What is strategy and why strategies need to be creative

  • The Dim Sum Strategy approach and 4D’s process

  • How to develop your Brand DNA

  • Practical application and actionable first steps

 Timing and Logistics

A two-day workshop, or 3-4 sequential morning/afternoon sessions , or 60-90 minute ‘chunks’ tailored to suit participants work schedules and availability over a 2-3 week period.

Ideally 8-12 participants, workable 6-16.

Theme – Dim Sum Strategy and the 4D’s Process

The theme is based on the book “Dim Sum Strategy. Bite-sized Tools to Build Stronger Brands’ by Peter Wilken.

It shares a selection of the most successful, tried and tested creative thinking tools from working with some of the world’s top brands and top creative agencies.


Finding Your True North


How to Build a Distinctive Personal Brand DNA

Why this Workshop?

Defining your own unique Brand DNA can help you understand your strengths, your differentiators and the attributes that will orient you now and in the future. We are all unique. We’ve all heard the phrase ‘know thyself’ but we rarely invest time in doing that. Often, people don’t know where to start.

Times of change and uncertainty can be unsettling, or scary – but they can be exciting too. None more so than setting a course on the journey of life, early in a young person’s life. Would it help to have a simple but robust tool to help us do that?  Something that you could boil down to one page but that would be rich enough and distinctive enough to guide you for a lifetime?

Your personal Brand DNA acts as a compass or guiding star to help navigate your path throughout your business and personal life.

Who this workshop is for

Grade 10-12 students looking to find their ‘True North’ to guide them forward, and the parents helping them.

Undergraduate or post-graduate students looking to find their path.

Anybody feeling they are at a professional or personal crossroads and looking for illumination to guide them forward.

Learning Objectives

  • A clear understanding of self that can be used in practical ways

  • A better understanding of thinking preferences and how they might be applied

  • An appreciation of creative thinking, stretching possibilities beyond existing boundaries

  • Identification of personal strengths and opportunities

  • Defining your unique purpose and positioning (DNA)

  • Better questions and continuous feedback


  • Why it’s important to know who you are, what you stand for and why

  • The 4D’s process

  • Discovery: semi-structured qualitative research, internet research

  • Insights and your Three Truths

  • Definition: Development of your unique Brand DNA, including mission

  • Direction: Goal setting

  • Practical application and actionable first steps

What this is NOT

  • Student counselling

  • Course selection

  • University admissions or counselling

  • Time management

Timing and Logistics

Three or four 1-hour face-to-face virtual consultations over a 3-week period, with a little homework each week.

This is a facilitated process best done collaboratively with the student and parents working together. It is an engaging and effective program, designed with busy lives in mind to provide the maximum value in the minimum time, but it does require some commitment – outcomes are only as good as input.

Theme – Finding your True North

The theme plays on the metaphor of a guiding True North star, using selected strategic tools from the book “Dim Sum Strategy. Bite-sized Tools to Build Stronger Brands’ by Peter Wilken. It shares a selection of the most successful, tried and tested creative thinking tools from working with some of the world’s top brands and top creative agencies.

Peter is a Herrmann HBDI Certified Practitioner

Peter is a Herrmann HBDI Certified Practitioner

Talk to Peter about your next virtual event.